Sleep and Biobehavioral Research Lab


Michele L. Okun PhD

Michele L. Okun, PhD, is an Professor of Research at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and Director of the Sleep and Biobehavioral Health Research Laboratory. As one of the leading researchers on sleep during the perinatal period, her work also investigates how menopause and aging, as well as neuro-immune and neuro-endocrine pathways, influence physical and mental health outcomes. Dr. Okun has served as a peer reviewer for over two dozen journals and has authored or co-authored over five dozen scientific articles and book chapters.

Current Studies:

The goal of this clinical trial is to test the effectiveness of a Smart Bassinet to prevent/mitigate postpartum mood disorders by augmenting maternal sleep and/or enhancing infant sleep. The investigators will conduct a 2-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT) to compare infant and maternal sleep of infants who use a smart bassinet (SB) or a standard commercially available bassinet (Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper 3.0) (usual/traditional care (TAU)). After confirmation of eligibility, participants (N = 342) will randomly be assigned to either the SB or TAU. The investigators hypothesize that use of the SB will be associated with better infant and maternal sleep over a 6-month period, and these mothers will report fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms across the postpartum. The main question[s] it aims to answer [is/are]:

Aim 1: Determine the effect of the SB on infant sleep and maternal sleep. Aim 2: Determine the effect of the SB on maternal postpartum depressive symptoms and evaluate the model that the association between the SB and postpartum depressive symptoms is mediated by both infant and maternal sleep Aim 3: Compare trajectory of immune system function from late pregnancy through postpartum between PPD and non-PPD and between SB and TAU groups Exploratory Aim. Evaluate whether the elevated risk demonstrated by previously identified PPD epigenetic biomarkers at the TTC9B and HP1BP3 genes can be modified by using a SB. The investigators hypothesize that the elevated risk will be reduced in the SB condition compared to TAU.

Military-affiliated pregnant women will be recruited from across the US via social media and advertising. Monthly online questionnaires will be completed by the mother. Objective sleep data will be collected monthly using an actigraph for 1-week from both mother and baby. Blood samples for assay of inflammatory markers will be collected at enrollment, 3- and 6- months postpartum.

If you are interested please contact:

PI Michele Okun, Ph.D. at 719-357-5780 or

Dr. Michele Okun's CV